
The RTM protocol is our wire protocol, which enables direct two-way communication between a client and RTM. Clients communicate with RTM by establishing a secure WebSocket connection and exchanging JSON- or CBOR-encoded units.

RTM implements the publish-subscribe pattern where users publish messages to a channel and all subscribers to that channel receive those messages.

The RTM API defines the structure, rules and semantics for exchanging the JSON objects. We call these JSON objects Protocol Data Units (PDUs). A PDU can carry a request to RTM to perform a particular action (such as to publish a message), its response from RTM, or an unsolicited message, such as subscription data.

Message order guarantees

RTM forwards published messages to the subscribers in the same order as it received them. The order of messages between different publishers is not guaranteed. All subscribers will receive the published messages in the same order.

Protocol Data Unit (PDU)


A PDU is a unit, formatted in JSON or CBOR, with a specific structure enabling meaningful communication between RTM and clients. Each PDU is encoded into a single WebSocket frame. RTM supports UTF-8.

PDU encoding

We use custom self-explanatory "mini schema" to define the format of JSON PDUs. It uses JSON syntax to describe fields, followed by their type or placeholder values (which in turned are defined the same way). Fields order does not matter. See [41]Mini-schema Reference for more details.

The following mini schema defines the structure of a PDU. Note that this structure holds for all PDUs in RTM API.

     "action": string,
     "id": string | integer OPTIONAL,
     "body": object


JSON PDUs are JSON objects. In languages other than JavaScript, use a JSON API to convert native objects to a canonical JSON form.

WebSocket for RTM


The WebSocket connection string for RTM has the syntax:

  • : Endpoint string, for example wss://example.com
  • : Current version of RTM, for example v2. The current version is listed at the beginning of the RTM API documentation
  • : Appkey from ~/.cobra.yaml

For example:


PDU types

A PDU can represent any of the following units of communication: * A request to RTM. A request to perform an action, for example, to publish a message. * A response from RTM. The response to a client request. * Unsolicited subscription messages from RTM. Messages as they have been published to the channel for simple subscriptions, or resulting messages for subscriptions with views. * An unsolicited error or information updates. Channel-specific informational or error messages, or system error messages, sent by RTM to the client.

PDU size

User generated "payload" size is unlimited.

PDU fields

action field

The action field specifies the purpose of a PDU and determines the content of the body.

The action field consists of up to three components separated by forward slash: //.

The following table explains the meaning of each component, as well as the rule for parsing it out from the full action string value:

Action component Meaning Parsing rules
service Name of the service responsible for handling incoming requests or sending responses and unsolicited PDUs. The first part of the action string up to the first backslash character `/'.
operation Operation the client wants the service to perform. After the first backslash character "/" up to the outcome or end of the string. Note that it may contain backslashes as part of the operation.
outcome Represents the result of the request or the type of information provided to the client. Present only in responses and unsolicited PDUs. The part after the last backslash "/".

id field

The id field in a request PDU instructs RTM to send a response and enables a client to match a response to a request. If the id field is not present in a request, RTM does not acknowledge it: no response will be sent to a client, regardless of the outcome. Note that id field and its semantics applies to every PDU in the RTM protocol.

The id field can be an integer or a string.

Even though specifying id field in a request is optional, only a few cases benefit from omitting it (e.g. high throughput publishing); some operation cannot be completed without id at all (e.g. authentication). Clients should specify id in a request, unless client logic identified a concrete motivation not to do so, for a specific use case.

Use the following rules and guidelines with the id field:



Include id field to get a response from RTM

In most cases, there is no significant traffic savings from omitting the id but by doing so, client forfeits an opportunity to detect failing requests (error outcome).

Avoid reusing id value in different requests

RTM does not enforce uniqueness on the id field. Two requests with the same id are treated as two separate requests by RTM.

body field

The body field's content is specific to the PDU's action. The structure and semantics of the body field's content must be followed for each action field type.

See the definitions of the specific PDU types.


Channels are named streams of messages.

A channel is unique per Dev Portal project. If two projects have channels with the same name, RTM treats them as separate channels: they have their own content, history, settings, permissions, etc.


Subscriptions are clients' interest in messages published to a channel, accepted and served by RTM.

In the simplest case, a subscription establishes a client's interest in all messages as they arrive in a channel. Clients may also request a subscription to include past messages (see history and position). In more involved cases, message data can be filtered or/and transformed (see [43]Views).


A position is a message offset relative to other messages in the channel. It uniquely identifies the location of the message in the channel and may refer to an expired (no longer stored), available (stored, retrievable), or future (not yet occupied location) message.

The next channel position is the first available unoccupied position in a channel. The next published message to arrive is placed at this position.

The position field can be used to read a particular message from a channel or to subscribe from a specific position, typically in order to avoid skipping messages when re-subscribing.

Implicit channel creation and deletion

Channel instances are automatically created by RTM on demand: upon the first subscribe or publish request to a specified channel name, RTM creates a corresponding channel instance.

RTM automatically garbage collects channels when it is safe to do so (channel is empty and no one has been accessing it for some time).

Channel instance creation and deletion should not be confused with managing channel bookkeeping in Dev Portal, such as setting permissions or history for specific channel names or namespaces.

Channel history

In addition to forwarding published messages to all subscribers, RTM also stores all messages for at least 1 minute. Additionally, longer storage is available with channel history: users can configure how many messages should be stored for a longer period of time for a given channel. History settings are configured in Dev Portal and default to one message for 6 hours.

A subscription to a channel can be requested starting at a historical message; similarly read operation can retrieve messages published in the past.

Channel names

Channel names are case sensitive.

Channel names starting with character `$' are reserved by RTM.

Publish PDU

Messages can be published to a channel by sending a Publish PDU request to RTM.

The following specification shows the publish request and response PDUs:


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,

Response (OK)

  "id": RequestId,

Response (error)

Field Type Description
ChannelName string The name of the channel to publish to.
Message value The message to publish to the channel.
Position string The channel location of the published message.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Subscribe PDU

A client subscribes to a channel by sending a request Subscribe PDU to RTM.


By default, a new subscription starts at the next channel position (from the next published message, see position in [51]Channels). That is, no previously published (historic) messages are returned. A client may start a subscription at an earlier (historic) message by specifying the position in the subscribe request PDU.


A subscription is identified by the subscription_id field. Multiple subscriptions can be made to the same channel, as long as different subscription id's are used.

For a subscription without a view (default), the subscription_id must be equal to the channel name, and is optional.

For a subscription with a view, the subscription_id field is required and the channel field is optional (the channel name must match what is specified in the filter (view) field).

Subscribe without streamview (no filter field)


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,
    "subscription_id":SubId OPTIONAL,
    "force":Force OPTIONAL,
    "fast_forward":FastForward OPTIONAL,
    "position":Position OPTIONAL,
      "count":Count OPTIONAL,
      "age":Age OPTIONAL

Response (ok)


Response (error)

    "reason":ErrorReason OPTIONAL,

Subscribe with streamview (filter field)


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,
    "force":Force OPTIONAL,
    "fast_forward":FastForward OPTIONAL,
    "period":Period OPTIONAL,
    "position":Position OPTIONAL,
      "count":Count OPTIONAL,
      "age":Age OPTIONAL

Response (ok)


Response (error)

    "reason":ErrorReason OPTIONAL,
Field Type Description
ChannelName string The name of the channel to subscribe to.
SubId string Either a channel name or a unique client-generated identifier for the subscription (when applicable)
Position string Channel location to start the subscription at. Default is the next channel position.
SQL string SQL statement to run on messages before sending them to the client. See Views.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See Error Reference.
RequestId int or string See id field in PDU section.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Subscribe-specific errors

error value Meaning
already_subscribed You requested a new subscription with subscription_id set to an active subscription id, and you didn't specify "force" : true.
expired_position RTM expired the message at the position you specified in position. The message is no longer available.
invalid_filter (for a streamview subscription only): The stream SQL you specified in filter is invalid.
subscription_quota_exceeded You tried to add a subscription or streamview, but you exceeded the quota for the number of subscriptions or streamviews per project.

The "action" field is always "action":"rtm/subscribe/error".

out_of_sync and fast_forward

RTM sends subscription messages to the client as fast as the physical network link to the client allows it. If the rate of incoming (published) messages is higher than the outgoing rate (rate at which messages are delivered to a particular client subscription), we say that a client subscription is falling behind. If this situation persists, undelivered messages accumulate on the RTM side and eventually RTM expires (deletes) them. By default, messages are deleted after 60 seconds and the last message in a channel - after 6h. We call this situation out_of_sync: messages stream continuity cannot be sustained for a subscriber; message drop is inevitable.

Subscriber can change this behavior by setting the fast_forward field to true in the request Subscribe PDU. In this case, RTM "fast-forwards" the client to the oldest not yet deleted message, instead of forcing unsubscription, and sends an info Subscription PDU.

Updating a subscription

filter and period fields can be changed on-the-fly for a pre-existing active subscription: by sending a Subscribe PDU with the force field set to true. Without "force":true, RTM responds with an already_subscribed error and does not update the current subscription.

Subscription PDUs (unsolicited)

RTM sends subscription data (channel messages) or subscription related status (info or error) using subscription PDUs.

Subscription PDU can be: * data. A subscription data PDU delivers channel messages (possibly filtered and transformed messages in case of a viewed subscription). Note that a single subscription data PDU can contain multiple messages grouped in the array messages field (for optimization purposes). * info. A subscription Info PDU contains information about a subscription, which includes the type of info and the reason why RTM sent it. For a fast_forward info, it also includes the count of skipped messages due to RTM fast-forwarding the subscription. * error. A subscription error PDU notifies of subscription termination (forceful unsubscription) due to a subscription-related error. For example, if a client subscription falls behind and fast-forward has not been enabled, RTM sends an out_of_sync error and unsubscribes the client (see out_of_sync in [60]Subscribe PDU section).

Subscription data


Subscription info

    "missed_message_count":Count OPTIONAL

Subscription error

    "missed_message_count":Count OPTIONAL
Field Type Description
Position string Provided to enable clients to resubscribe preserving stream continuity (in the event of a disconnect).
Message value A channel message (as it was published, or - when applicable - a message result according to the subscription view)
SubId string Id for the subscription for which the PDU was sent.
InfoType string Information type. See Service-Specific Info Messages.
InfoReason text In the sections following this table, see "Unsolicited subscribe info messages".
Count int Number of skipped messages in the channel.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See [62]Error Reference.

Unsolicited subscribe errors

RTM may return one of these errors for an active subscription:

error value Meaning
out_of_sync The message position for the subscription is pointing to an expired message, and your subscribe PDU didn't specify "fast_forward" : true. RTM unsubscribes you, and it may drop your connection.
expired_position Your subscribe PDU specified the "position" field, but its value points to an expired message.

The "action" field is always "action":"rtm/subscription/error".

Unsolicited subscribe info messages

RTM may return this info message for an active subscription:

info value Meaning
fast_forward Because your subscribe PDU specified "fast_forward" : true, RTM performed a fast forward in response to an out of sync condition. You receive this info PDU in addition to an error PDU with error set to "expired_position".

The "action" field is always "action":"rtm/subscription/info".

Unsubscribe PDU

A subscriber requests to terminate its subscription by sending an Unsubscribe PDU request to RTM.

In case a client endpoint has multiple subscriptions to the same channel, it must send a PDU for each subscription it wants to end.


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,

Response (ok)


Response (error)

    "subscription_id":SubId OPTIONAL
Field Type Description
SubId string Id of the subscription that you want to cancel.
Position string RTM response includes current location in the channel message stream at the time unsubscribe operation has completed. Enables a client to resubscribe to the channel from the position where it unsubscribed
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See [64]Error Reference.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Unsubscribe-specific errors

The following errors are specific to an unsubscribe operation:

error value Meaning
not_subscribed You tried to unsubscribe from a subscription that doesn't exist.

The "action" field is always "action":"rtm/unsubscribe/error".

Read PDU

A particular message in a channel can be retrieved by sending a Read PDU request to RTM.

RTM returns the message at the position specified in the request. If there is no position specified, RTM defaults to the position of the latest message in the channel. A null message in the response PDU means that there were no messages at that position.


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,
    "position":Position OPTIONAL

Response (ok)


Response (error)

Field Type Description
ChannelName string The name of the channel to read from.
Position string The channel location to retrieve a message at. See position in the Channels section.
Message value Message returned by RTM.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See Error Reference.
RequestId int or string See id Field in the Channels section.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Read-specific errors

The following errors are specific to a read operation:

error value Meaning
expired_position The message at the position you tried to read from no longer exists, because RTM expired it.

The "action" field is always "action":"rtm/read/error".

Write PDU

Write PDU is provided for key-value (dictionary storage) semantics: channel name represents a key and the last (and the only used) message the channel represents a value. In other words, a channel serves as a dictionary entry.

Current implementation and specifications are the same as publish PDU but using write operation in action: "action":"rtm/write".

Delete PDU

The delete PDU is provided for key-value (dictionary storage) semantics to erase a value for a given key. The key is represented by a channel, and only the last message in the channel is relevant (represents the value). Hence, publishing a null value serves as deletion of the the previous value (if any).

Sending a delete PDU request is the same as publishing or writing a null value to the channel.

A delete operation requires publish permission.


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,

Response (ok)

    "position":Position OPTIONAL

Response (error)

Field Type Description
ChannelName string The name of the channel.
Position string Present only in a response. Channel location at which the message has been deleted, when purge is false. When purge is true, position is not returned. See position in the Channels section.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See Error Reference.
RequestId int or string See id field in the PDU section.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "cbor_parse_error"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Delete-specific errors

The following errors are specific to a delete operation:

error value Meaning
expired_position The message at the position you tried to read from no longer exists, because RTM expired it.

The "action" field is always "action":"rtm/delete/error".

Using delete

Deleting a channel message is the same as publishing or writing null to the channel. For example, these three requests to RTM accomplish identical result:


Handshake & Authenticate PDUs

RTM uses role-based authentication and authorization. Roles and their channel permissions are configured in [77]Dev Portal.

When you first connect to RTM, your client is established with the default role. You can acquire different permissions by authenticating for a different role. You do this in a two-step process using the handshake and then the authenticate PDU.

Handshake PDU

To start the authentication process, you send a handshake PDU to obtain a nonce that you use to construct an authentication hash.

If the request succeeds, RTM returns the nonce. In case of an error, RTM cancels the handshake request. For example, an error may occur if the role you specify doesn't exist in the Dev Portal.


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL

Response (ok)


Response (error)

Field Type Description
AuthMethod string Method of authentication to perform. Only "role_secret" is currently supported.
Role string Role to authenticate as.
Nonce string Cryptographic random value to be combined with the secret by the client to produce the hash. Hash is sent in rtm/authenticate request.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See Error Reference.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Handshake-specific errors

RTM may return the following errors in response to a handshake request:

error value Meaning
auth_method_not_allowed In the handshake PDU, method is not set to "role_secret".

The "action" field is always "action":"auth/handshake/error".

Authenticate PDU

You send the authenticate PDU to complete the authentication process. After authentication is complete, your client has the permissions associated with the role with which it has authenticated.

In case of an error, RTM cancels the entire authentication request. This can occur, for example, if your calculated hash doesn't match the value calculated by RTM, or if the role you specify doesn't exist in the Dev Portal.


  "id":RequestId OPTIONAL,

Response (ok)


Response (error)

Field Type Description
AuthMethod text Method of authentication to perform. Only "role_secret" is currently supported.
Role text Role to authenticate as. Project roles and their permissions are managed in ~/.cobra.yaml file
Hash string HMAC-MD5 hash value computed for the secret key and the nonce received in rtm/handshake/ok.
ErrorName string Possible errors are listed in the sections following this table.
ErrorReason text Human readable error description. See Error Reference.

Unclassified errors

RTM may return the following unclassified errors:

  • "authorization_denied"
  • "invalid_format"
  • "invalid_operation"
  • "invalid_service"
  • "json_parse_error"

To learn more about any of these errors, see Unclassified Errors.

Authenticate-specific errors

RTM may return the following errors in response to a authentication request:

error value Meaning
"authentication_failed" In your authentication PDU, the value of "hash" is invalid.
"auth_method_not_allowed" In the authentication PDU, the value of "method" is not set to "role_secret".

The "action" field is always "action":"auth/authenticate/error".

Hash computation

The hash is calculated for a secret key (K) and a nonce (N). The secret key is obtained from the ~/.cobra.yaml file; the nonce is received in handshake response PDU.

   Hash = base64( HMAC-MD5( utf8(K), utf8(N) ) )

Existing HMAC-MD5 implementations are commonly available for any language. For completeness:

HMAC-MD5 is the algorithm specified in [RFC 2104] using MD5 [RFC 1321] as the underlying hash function. base64 is a string representation of a byte array described in [RFC 3548]. Note that the result of the base64 operation is the actual hash value and shall be used as it is. utf8 is the binary representation of string described in [RFC 3629].

Hash computation example

Let secret key K = "secret-key" and nonce N = "nonce"

utf8(K) = [73 65 63 72 65 74 2D 6B 65 79]
utf8(N) = [6E 6F 6E 63 65]
HMAC-MD5(utf8(SK), utf8(N)) = [1B 5D 80 F0 3B 74 45 D8 C7 37 1F 0F D2 57 22 F7]
hash = 'G12A8Dt0RdjHNx8P0lci9w=='

Error Reference

Every error includes error and reason fields. Additional fields may be present, specific to a PDU type.

Error PDU body

  "error": string,
  "reason": text,
  // other PDU-specific fields
Field Description
error Name of the error. This string is intended for use in code.
reason Describes the error. This text is intended for human use; the text may change in the future and should not be used in code conditioning logic.

Error types

Errors are categorized into two types:

Error Type Description
Unclassified Errors not associated with a particular operation. It may be unknown which operation is triggering it, or potentially affecting overall communication consistency. For example, if RTM cannot parse a PDU or cannot parse an action, it has no choice but to return a general system error.
Operation-specific Errors returned in direct response to a request sent by a client, or unsolicited errors associated with a particular operation.