

Bin Packing

The bin packing problem is about optimizing the distribution of weighted items to bins. Multiple variants exist, but our focus in this post is on distributing weights into a fixed number of bins. I like to think about Santa Claus getting ready to deliver presents the day before Christmas, and having his elves preparing the reindeers' carriages. We will imagine that many carriages are ready to be used, and that Santa will jump to a new one once he has delivered all the presents in his carriage.

The question is: Depending on the size of the presents boxes, how should we distribute the load so that each carriage is as evenly distributed as possible? Luckily a Python library exists for this algorithm (as always?) and the library interface is very simple and clear, as it uses Python dictionaries.

# We have 6 presents
b = { 'a': 10, 'b': 10, 'c':11, 'd':1, 'e': 2,'f':7 } # [name, weight] pairs, in a dictionary

# We want to pack them into 4 bins
# Assign each pair to its own bin, and return the list of bins as a result
bins = binpacking.to_constant_bin_number(b, 4)

# Print the result. Excuse the ugly uppercase Bin, but bin is a reserved function in Python
for Bin in bins:
    # We will print the sum of all the weights in the bin, along with the bin itself
    print(sum(Bin.values()), Bin)

Executing this program prints this on the console:

11 {'c': 11}
10 {'b': 10}
10 {'a': 10}
10 {'f': 7, 'e': 2, 'd': 1}

We have 4 bins with a weight of 10 or 11, so things are pretty well distributed. Now imagine that we were cycling through each objects in our original list of items b, and picking the destination bin randomly. The following program does that.

bins = [{} for _ in range(4)]     # Create 4 bins, each bin is a list of dictionaries

for name, weight in b.items():
    binIdx = random.randint(0,3)  # pick a random integer between 0 and 3
    bins[binIdx][name] = weight   # insert a 'present' into a bin

Let's run this 3 times.

# First try
9 {'e': 2, 'f': 7}
1 {'d': 1}
31 {'a': 10, 'b': 10, 'c': 11}
0 {}

# Second try
12 {'a': 10, 'e': 2}
18 {'c': 11, 'f': 7}
11 {'b': 10, 'd': 1}
0 {}

# Third try
0 {}
22 {'b': 10, 'c': 11, 'd': 1}
2 {'e': 2}
17 {'a': 10, 'f': 7}

This is pretty terrible; however, this is what randomly picking an item will give you.

Redis Cluster

To quote its documentation, Redis Cluster provides a way to run a Redis installation where data is automatically sharded across multiple Redis nodes. Redis cluster isn't only about sharding, but this is what we will focus on.

Every time you store something in Redis Cluster, it all starts by hashing the key of your object with a CRC16, modulo something, and then assigning a hash value to a slot, called a hash slot. There are 16384 hash slots in Redis Cluster. A good hash function should map the expected inputs as evenly as possible over its output range; that is 16384 hash slots in our case. That property is called uniformity.

Each node in a cluster is responsible for a range of hash slots, and that assignment is usually done automatically early on, but the power of this system is that the assignment can be manual as well. If you know of a great way to distribute your hash slots to nodes, you can arrange for an optimal load balancing, and keep each Redis node as busy as possible.


Just like you wouldn't want to have some reindeer do more work than others, you would not want some Redis machine have little work to do, while others are crazy busy.


Cobra is a real-time messaging system, which we mainly use at Machine Zone for analytics. It uses Redis internally, and store metrics events as JSON blobs into redis streams.

Cobra internally keeps statistics about all channels, which helps us know which ones are high frequency. This is displayed in the table below, along the Redis hash slot for a given channel name. Notice that the CRC16 assigns unique hash values for all our sample keys. We can also see that the distribution of published items by channel name is uneven. If we were to randomly pick a channel and have it processed by a random Redis node, that would lead to inefficiencies.

Channel name   Published items   Redis Hash Slot
------------   ---------------   ---------------
channel_1      16               1732
channel_2      46889            6454
channel_3      4284             4050
channel_4      13444            803
channel_5      46745            754
channel_6      14714            3791
channel_7      4251             4152
channel_8      4356             14143
channel_9      677400           6417
channel_10     4322             7208
channel_11     163277           11316
channel_12     5585             7132
channel_13     360998           2476
channel_14     485541           14863
channel_15     3811             9883
channel_16     2                4959
channel_17     4339             6884
channel_18     4392             15400
channel_19     9307             6629
channel_20     685              3247
channel_21     176710           15535
channel_22     264              16311
channel_23     43157            687
channel_24     2410             6831
channel_25     103027           15422
channel_26     8701             2221
channel_27     518              7627
channel_28     46               7092
channel_29     7                3113

Let's try to do the channel to hash slot assignment randomly, as it would be done if we were not assigning hash slots to Redis nodes manually.

Random distribution 1

537399 {'channel_14': 485541, 'channel_23': 43157, 'channel_26': 8701}
667035 {'channel_1': 16, 'channel_3': 4284, 'channel_6': 14714, 'channel_8': 4356, 'channel_13': 360998, 'channel_16': 2, 'channel_21': 176710, 'channel_24': 2410, 'channel_25': 103027, 'channel_27': 518}
59884 {'channel_5': 46745, 'channel_7': 4251, 'channel_15': 3811, 'channel_17': 4339, 'channel_20': 685, 'channel_28': 46, 'channel_29': 7}
924880 {'channel_2': 46889, 'channel_4': 13444, 'channel_9': 677400, 'channel_10': 4322, 'channel_11': 163277, 'channel_12': 5585, 'channel_18': 4392, 'channel_19': 9307, 'channel_22': 264}
stdev 376758.0808394682

We will represent this visually, using a pie chart. The excellent matplotlib library can plot this for us.

labels = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
S = sum(weights)
sizes = [100 * weight / S for weight in weights]
colors = ['yellowgreen', 'gold', 'lightskyblue', 'lightcoral']
patches, texts = plt.pie(sizes, colors=colors, shadow=True, startangle=90)
plt.legend(patches, labels, loc="best")


This isn't a great distribution. Node 3 got very few hash slots assigned, while Node 4 seems to do too much work.

Random distribution 2

821388 {'channel_7': 4251, 'channel_11': 163277, 'channel_12': 5585, 'channel_13': 360998, 'channel_18': 4392, 'channel_20': 685, 'channel_21': 176710, 'channel_24': 2410, 'channel_25': 103027, 'channel_28': 46, 'channel_29': 7}
75311 {'channel_6': 14714, 'channel_10': 4322, 'channel_15': 3811, 'channel_19': 9307, 'channel_23': 43157}
1274894 {'channel_1': 16, 'channel_2': 46889, 'channel_4': 13444, 'channel_5': 46745, 'channel_9': 677400, 'channel_14': 485541, 'channel_16': 2, 'channel_17': 4339, 'channel_27': 518}
17605 {'channel_3': 4284, 'channel_8': 4356, 'channel_22': 264, 'channel_26': 8701}
stdev 493807.17986663507


This one is even worse; Node 3 got assigned a lot of slots, pretty bad. Ideally we would want to see a pie chart with four somewhat equal quadrants.

However, if we can find in which hash slot each channel traffic will land, and use the published count as a weight for that channel, we can allocate that channel to be handled by a Redis Cluster node using the Bin Packing algorithm. This will give us a more fair or optimal load balancing.

2 Redis commands are required to do that:

  • The CLUSTER KEYSLOT command run the CRC16 hash on a key.
  • The CLUSTER SETSLOT command will be used to allocate a hash slot to a Redis cluster node. Practically speaking, it is easier to use the redis-cli command which can do that for us, and handle the resharding better. Here are all the things that the CLI can do for you.
$ redis-cli --cluster help
Cluster Manager Commands:
  create         host1:port1 ... hostN:portN
                 --cluster-replicas <arg>
  check          host:port
  info           host:port
  fix            host:port
  reshard        host:port
                 --cluster-from <arg>
                 --cluster-to <arg>
                 --cluster-slots <arg>
                 --cluster-timeout <arg>
                 --cluster-pipeline <arg>
  rebalance      host:port
                 --cluster-weight <node1=w1...nodeN=wN>
                 --cluster-timeout <arg>
                 --cluster-pipeline <arg>
                 --cluster-threshold <arg>
  add-node       new_host:new_port existing_host:existing_port
                 --cluster-master-id <arg>
  del-node       host:port node_id
  call           host:port command arg arg .. arg
  set-timeout    host:port milliseconds
  import         host:port
                 --cluster-from <arg>

Back to the bin-packing algorithm, let's see how it performs on our own real data set, which is a less contrived than the one we used in our first example.

Bin packing distribution

677400 {'channel_9': 677400}
503781 {'channel_14': 485541, 'channel_26': 8701, 'channel_17': 4339, 'channel_7': 4251, 'channel_20': 685, 'channel_22': 264}
503736 {'channel_13': 360998, 'channel_2': 46889, 'channel_5': 46745, 'channel_6': 14714, 'channel_4': 13444, 'channel_19': 9307, 'channel_8': 4356, 'channel_3': 4284, 'channel_24': 2410, 'channel_27': 518, 'channel_28': 46, 'channel_1': 16, 'channel_29': 7, 'channel_16': 2}
504281 {'channel_21': 176710, 'channel_11': 163277, 'channel_25': 103027, 'channel_23': 43157, 'channel_12': 5585, 'channel_18': 4392, 'channel_10': 4322, 'channel_15': 3811}

Our 4 bins receive around 500,000 units of weight each. If we visualize this with a pie chart, this feels like a pretty fair repartition.



If you can efficiently analyze your key space, the flexible Redis Cluster hash slot design lets you do wonders and achieve an excellent load balancing. This leads to less CPU cycles burnt for nothing, which leads to melting the ice cap perhaps a bit more slowly, which in turn lets Santa live the life to which he is accustomed to in the North Pole for the foreseeable future.
